Catholic heresy


The problem with the Roman church (Catholic church)




“Queen of heaven” was a title used by pagans to worship the goddess they baked cakes to in the book of Jeremiah.

Too much focus is on Mary. Mary was a humble sinner, not sinless. Catholic dogma has turned Mary into a demigoddess almost, claiming she was born without sin (immaculate conception) and ascended into heaven. Neither of these events are recorded in the Bible, if she was born without sin such an important event would have been noted. Only God is all knowing and able to hear prayers and answer them, so it is wrong to pray to Mary thinking she can hear and answer. All authority is with Jesus Christ, so we should not move authority into Mary. Titles such as “Queen of heaven” and “mother of god” are pagan and imply Mary is a deity. “Queen of heaven” was a title used by pagans to worship the goddess they baked cakes to in the book of Jeremiah. God is Spirit and has no mother, while Jesus’s physical body was built in Mary, it is not the flesh that is divine, but the Spirit that was in Jesus, the body is just a vessel, Jesus reveals this in John 6:63. Although Roman dogma declares that they are just honouring and respecting Mary, in reality it is veneration and worship. One of the ten commandments condemns making any statue or form to represent divinity. The statues of Mary, Jesus and the saints are disobeying this command by God by creating idols to venerate and pour worship into. When you create an object to worship in devotion, you are allowing demons to use that dead idol to take your energy and make a connection with you. This is why all our veneration and prayer should only go to the One Creator.

*The saints

As with Mary, it is wrong to pray to the saints instead of God. Saints, however humble and wise, were only allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through them, they are not omniscient and omnipotent like God and so our prayer should go to God rather than saints. Although seeming somewhat holy, again this appears to be a siphoning off of our focus and Spirit from God to man. Also the Bible refers to any repentant follower of Christ as a “saint”, a saint is not a very rare band of individuals sanctioned by only by the roman church.



subliminal sun worship?

The instructions of communion given by Christ were very simple and only require some form of bread and liquid to represent his body and blood. The Roman church has built up a very elaborate ritual with liturgy that is not really required. You can perform communion on your own, all you need is something to represent the bread and wine and a sincere faith. The roman church withholds parishioners from receiving the blood in the form of wine or liquid. The blood represents the Holy Spirit and so this is serious symbolic neglect. Also the “wafer” used in catholicism to represent the bread and body of Jesus is in the shape of a perfect sphere. It looks as though subliminal sun worship has been incorporated into this version of communion without catholics realising. What a horrible heresy it would be if the hierarchy of the church were holding aloft the symbol of the sun disc, showing they really worship the SUN and not the SON. The Pagan Emperor finally accepted christianity and converted after he supposedly saw a vision of a cross in the sky, but he introduced several pagan elements into the Roman church when he joined, such as exalting mary into a goddess figure, making the day of worship SUNday, and celebrating Jesus’s birth on december 25th, around the time of pagan festivals to celebrate the rebirth of the sun. It looks like the Roman form of communion, the Eucharist continues this subliminal and covert sun worship also, by depicting the wafer host as a sun disk. The evidence of this is furthered when you see the wafer sitting in its cross, which usually has sun rays surrounding it. Does the bread (wafer) and wine, literally become the flesh and blood of Jesus? This ceremony is symbolic, in that it is meant to make us focus on Christ’s sacrifice and God’s humility and love by giving himself for our reconciliation. I do believe the articles of bread and win become imbued with the Holy Spirit and can even provide physical healing to us because of the meaning and power behind what occurs. I believe there is a spiritual transformation of the bread and blood, in that they become infused with the Holy Spirit and presence of Jesus, and then as we take that into ourselves, we are literally becoming filled with Jesus and one with him. Yet the bread and wine does not literally become the physical body and blood of Jesus. For example the first time this ceremony took place in the last supper, Jesus had not even gone to the cross yet, so it was not meant to be a literally transformation, but rather a very powerful and real symbolic and spiritual ceremony connecting us with Christ.




Call no man on the earth your father, for one is your Father, he who is in heaven – Matthew 23:9

The word pope means papa or Father. Jesus said do not call anyone on earth your father, for there is one Father who is God alone. The title pope actually comes from the pagan mystery secret societies such as mithras worship. One of the high levels of initiation in mithraic worship was the title “Pater” which means Father. Jesus commanded his followers not to take upon themselves haughty titles and specifically mentions not to be called father in Matthew 23:9. This was in response to the jews who had historically called Abraham their father. Indeed Abraham was a type of spiritual father figure, and physical genetic father of the nation, however Jesus brought a higher truth and teaching. That teaching was that now, in the new covenant, when you are spiritually born again, no longer refer to any physical man as your father, but instead identify your Father as the Spiritual Lord of Creation, God. Taking upon yourself haughty titles that place you above your fellow man is highly prideful and delusional, as we are all sinners and jesus taught the least of you shall be the greatest, the humble will be exalted and those who exalt themselves humbled. So taking upon yourself the title Master, Father, Holy, Lord, Teacher, was commanded against by Christ – as we have one Master, Lord, Teacher, that is Christ himself, and one Father and that is God Himself. We should not look to any man as infallible, as only God is infallible. We should not exalt any human as all are sinners and imperfect, we should instead place our devotion and worship on God and Christ alone.



4 thoughts on “Catholic heresy

  1. I am a convert to Catholicism, having been raised a Protestant, I understand the difficulty people have with an image such as this. To begin with, Catholics don’t “worship” Mary: “worship” belongs only to God, yes, we know this, Mary is only a human being, whereas Jesus Christ is God, Divine and Immortal, Creator of all things with the Father and Spirit. Secondly, we honor Mary the way Americans honor George Washington, or Thomas Jefferson, the way sports fans honor Michael Jordan or Joe Montana: no American worships Benjamin Franklin, but we do honor him. Mary was the first Apostle of Jesus, and it would not have been fit for Our Lord to have a sinner as His mother who would care for Him in His early life, so Mary was made perfect in all the virtues, not only so she could serve Jesus, but help the other Apostles and new Christian community after Christ’s Ascension (when He returned to heaven) carry out God’s will and do what needed to be done so the Faith would prosper. “Prayer,” is a form of communication, not worship per se. If you met Billy Graham, you might say, “Dr. Graham, will you please pray for me?” because the Protestant community recognizes him to be a holy and wise man by their standards; in the image of (then) Pope Benedict above, he is asking Mary to pray for him, just as a Protestant might ask someone at their church to pray for them. Death does not separate us, and those who are all ready in heaven are triumphant, whereas we below are still struggling. When Catholics ask a particular saint to pray for them, the person is recognizing within their own life situation something that saint went through, and how God manifested His Glory through that saint’s struggles, and so you are asking that saint to intercede on your behalf that God will grant you a share in that same Grace so you, too, might overcome that struggle. “Prayer” is just a means of silent communicating, whereas “worship,” in its highest, purest and most proper form, is reserved for God and God alone. Whenever Mary appears, she ALWAYS commends those to whom she appears to pray, go to Mass (Church) and turn fun sin to glorify God, she never talks about being glorified herself. In the image above, Pope Benedict prays to Mary as the Queen of Heaven, because God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit are the Godhead, the King, and in Mary, God’s will for her was perfectly realized, there was nothing God asked Mary to do that she fell short in doing. When the Angel appeared to Mary, as it is recorded, the Angel told her she was “Full of Grace,” “Grace” being the very Love and Lifeforce of God Himself, and it’s that Grace which all of us need to have in our soul, but we commit sin and that sin takes up space in our soul; Mary was preserved from the stain of sin by God’s Grace, so she could fulfill the task in which Eve failed, therefore, even while ALL OF US will receive crowns and thrones for our good deeds on earth once we get to heaven, because of our fallen nature, none of us will perfectly realize our destiny the way Mary did, so the highest spot in heaven–but still well below God Almighty–is for Mary, because she takes the place of Satan who refused to do God’s will. Pope Benedict is praying to Mary as the Queen of Heaven above so that she will pray for him, all those who have asked him to pray for them, and help him fulfill his role and responsibilities as the successor to Peter to glorify God, the same way you might ask someone to help you become more patient or stop gossiping. That’s all it is. I hope this helps!


    • All of our focus, honouring, adulation should God to God and Christ who is God incarnate – none of it should go to humans, including mary. There is simply too much focus on mary in the roman church, in fact in some instances mary is placed above Jesus in terms of focus and imagery. I explored catholicism for a while, as I was open to all things, but the excessive focus on Mary did not sit right with me, and i think it was the Holy Spirit that was warning me.

      I had a rosary but noticed that joining coin had mary and child jesus on one side, then mary alone on the other, which sat above the cross, which has the symbolic implication she is higher in authority. Also in the decalogue the worshipping of mary goes on for longer than repetition of the our father. This extends to most catholic churches, where Jesus is depicted in positions of weakness (in mary’s arms suffering, on cross or as infant) while it is mary who is in the position of authority. Also the Roman church introduced several unbiblical teachings to essentially make mary divine. It proclaimed she never sinned, she was born without sin and that she didn’t die, but ascended into heaven. This dogma isn’t biblical and if it was true, it would have been noted by the disciples as its clearly a very important thing. This was all part of the pagan emperor Contantine’s conversion to christianity, and his attempt to adopt certain pagan ideas to continue things like goddess worship and sun worship. This is why the day of worship became sunday, birth of Christ celebrated on December 25th and why mary began to be exalted as co-redeemer with Christ.

      Terms like “mother of God” and “Queen of heaven” are actually pagan. God is Spirit and so can have no mother. Mary enabled the forming of Jesus’s physical body, but the flesh was not God, just a vessel for the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus explains this in John 6:63. In Jeremiah “queen of heaven” is a term the pagans used to worship their goddess, and they made cakes in honour of her.

      We should not venerate or adulate any human such as george washington, sports stars, musicians, or mary, I also think building statues of them is idolatry and a form of worship, including of course the mary statues.

      All authority is with Christ according to the Bible, mary is not all knowing and so cannot hear prayers and is unaware of these prayers as she is in heaven – only God can know all things and mary isn’t god. In reality the veneration of mary is a demonic deception to siphon off our worship and spiritual connection with God, to a human.

      If you read the biblical texts unbiasedly it actually says that Mary had more children after Jesus, James was a physical brother of Jesus and at one point his physical brothers did not believe He was the messiah. Of course his disciples did or else they wouldn’t have been his disciples. Also at one point Mary and her sons try and “take charge” of Jesus because they though he was mad, causing all the fuss he was in Judea. So it seems Mary had periods of doubt about Jesus.

      She could not have been an “immaculate conception” as that would make her divine and without sin. The Bible clearly teaches that only Jesus was without sin. In order for Mary to be born without sin her parents would have had to be without sin, and so it brings up the infinite regression contradiction. God was able to heal any genetic damage caused by sin in the womb as Jesus’s body was developing, as it was infused with the Holy Spirit, so there was no need for Mary to provide “pure genetics” for the physical body.

      Mary was a humble sinner, and should be respected, but not exalted as a demigoddess. The Roman church is very wrong in exalting her so high and putting as much focus on her as Jesus, sometimes even more. Our worship and prayer should go to God alone, through Christ, as only God is all powerful and all knowing and can hear our prayers and act on them.
      You have to ask yourself, “why pray to the saints or mary, when I could pray to God the Father directly?”
      In reality the Roman church was corrupted over time, beginning with the pagan emperor Constantine and we should seek God directly and use the Bible as our guide, not any man made organisation or dogma.

      The true church is made of those who obey Christ – I admire the devotion of most catholics, and the appreciation of holiness and need to obey God, but it has gone off the rails regarding its teaching and dogma. The protestant groups are also in error in some things, such as the lack of need for obedience, prosperity teachings, faith alone. When man starts to touch things they become corrupted, so thats why the need to seek God personally


  2. I am a convert to Catholicism, having been raised a Protestant, I understand the difficulty people have with an image such as this. To begin with, Catholics don’t “worship” Mary: “worship” belongs only to God, yes, we know this, Mary is only a human being, whereas Jesus Christ is God, Divine and Immortal, Creator of all things with the Father and Spirit. Secondly, we honor Mary the way Americans honor George Washington, or Thomas Jefferson, the way sports fans honor Michael Jordan or Joe Montana: no American worships Benjamin Franklin, but we do honor him. Mary was the first Apostle of Jesus, and it would not have been fit for Our Lord to have a sinner as His mother who would care for Him in His early life, so Mary was made perfect in all the virtues, not only so she could serve Jesus, but help the other Apostles and new Christian community after Christ’s Ascension (when He returned to heaven) carry out God’s will and do what needed to be done so the Faith would prosper. “Prayer,” is a form of communication, not worship per se. If you met Billy Graham, you might say, “Dr. Graham, will you please pray for me?” because the Protestant community recognizes him to be a holy and wise man by their standards; in the image of (then) Pope Benedict above, he is asking Mary to pray for him, just as a Protestant might ask someone at their church to pray for them. Death does not separate us, and those who are all ready in heaven are triumphant, whereas we below are still struggling. When Catholics ask a particular saint to pray for them, the person is recognizing within their own life situation something that saint went through, and how God manifested His Glory through that saint’s struggles, and so you are asking that saint to intercede on your behalf that God will grant you a share in that same Grace so you, too, might overcome that struggle. “Prayer” is just a means of silent communicating, whereas “worship,” in its highest, purest and most proper form, is reserved for God and God alone. Whenever Mary appears, she ALWAYS commends those to whom she appears to pray, go to Mass (Church) and turn fun sin to glorify God, she never talks about being glorified herself. In the image above, Pope Benedict prays to Mary as the Queen of Heaven, because God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit are the Godhead, the King, and in Mary, God’s will for her was perfectly realized, there was nothing God asked Mary to do that she fell short in doing. When the Angel appeared to Mary, as it is recorded, the Angel told her she was “Full of Grace,” “Grace” being the very Love and Lifeforce of God Himself, and it’s that Grace which all of us need to have in our soul, but we commit sin and that sin takes up space in our soul; Mary was preserved from the stain of sin by God’s Grace, so she could fulfill the task in which Eve failed, therefore, even while ALL OF US will receive crowns and thrones for our good deeds on earth once we get to heaven, because of our fallen nature, none of us will perfectly realize our destiny the way Mary did, so the highest spot in heaven–but still well below God Almighty–is for Mary, because she takes the place of Satan who refused to do God’s will. Pope Benedict is praying to Mary as the Queen of Heaven above so that she will pray for him, all those who have asked him to pray for them, and help him fulfill his role and responsibilities as the successor to Peter to glorify God, the same way you might ask someone to help you become more patient or stop gossiping. That’s all it is. I hope this helps!

